Fabrizio Fortunato

Head of Frontend at RyanairLabs @izifortune

Build a serverless website with SAM on AWS - part 2April 22, 2020

How to build a serverless website on AWS using SAM cli. Explore Lambda at the Edge to add path rewrites, security headers and assets caching.

Share Angular libraries with lernaSeptember 15, 2019

Managing Angular libraries effortlessly using lerna, semantic versioning and standard changelog. An overview of Angular tooling and monorepository setup to start sharing packages in your team.

Build a serverless website with SAM on AWSJuly 17, 2019

A website can be considered serverless when it doesn’t need, directly, any server to operate. Serverless is quickly becoming a popular…

Lighthouse architecture demystifiedMarch 20, 2019

Practical introduction to Google Lighthouse architecture and building blocks to start collecting custom metrics and run audits behind a user session.

Angular subresource integrityFebruary 12, 2019

Improve the security of your application by using subresource integrity in an Angular application

Theming Angular at RyanairJanuary 30, 2019

CSS variables adoption in Ryanair to support theming across multiple Angular web applications. An overview of Ryanair styleguide and the transition to a flexible theming system.

Angular polyfill strategiesNovember 12, 2018

Cross browser compatibility is a big part of modern web development. We will explore different approaches to load polyfills on an Angular application.

Snapshot testing Angular applicationsJuly 02, 2018

In one of my previous articles, I’ve explored how we can start unit testing Angular applications with Jest. Now its time to introduce…

Performance budgets with Lighthouse - Lighthouse keeperApril 17, 2018

Keep your website on a budget, lighthouse-keeper helps you visualize and create your performance budgets using lighthouse audit reports…

Multiple packages repository with AngularJanuary 18, 2018

Managing modules across different applications can be challenging for Angular applications. There are different approaches that you can take…

Managing modules with AngularOctober 09, 2017

How to manage Angular modules and libraries and what are the tools that we can use to help us maintaining our modules.

Unit testing Angular applications with JestJuly 26, 2017

Let’s discuss about unit testing in Angular, this will be just an introduction on Angular unit testing and what are the benefits of adopting…

Demystifying functional programming with RamdaFebruary 15, 2017

A very opinionated introduction to functional programming in Javascript using Ramda. The benefits of using functional programming in…

MVC is dead - even for AngularJSDecember 30, 2016

MVC is dead, MVC will remain dead. It served us well over those years but it’s time to explore and use better alternatives for state…

Hello WorldNovember 20, 2016

Hello world from ghost we are back on blogging ;)

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